Friendship at Lucas Ferry Staff
Rev. Dr. Michael Miller

Lead Pastor &
Lucas Ferry Campus Pastor
Welcome to Friendship! On behalf of our Church family, I just want you to know you are welcome here. Friendship is a Christ centered Church that has a history of living up to our name while impacting our community with a love bigger than ourselves. We are blessed to have 3 campuses locally in our community to reveal Christ, as we also pursue a broader, international Kingdom purpose. This Kingdom purpose is a prayer of Christ’s as He prayed that God’s loving Kingdom would come here, in our neighborhoods, as it is in heaven. This is our Biblical goal, and we invite you to experience Christ with us. To reach this goal we offer contemporary and traditional worship on Sunday mornings as well as life groups and many opportunities to learn and serve throughout the week in a diverse portfolio of grace. I look forward to meeting you and having you join us!